Logging in to the EPR portal
You can access the EPR portal at any time and anywhere, all you need is a secure internet connection. The following short videos show you how to log in to the EPR portal.

Initial access

Logging in
Account settings and EPR portal logout
The EPR has many account settings. For example, you can change the contact details or the EPR portal language. The video also explains how to log out of the EPR portal.
Search for a patient in the EPR
Look here to see how to search for a patient in the EPR.

Search for patient
Manage documents
The EPR lets you store all your patients’ health data securely in one place where authorised health professionals and their assistants can access it at any time. However, document management involves much more than just retrieving documents.

Upload documents

Download document

View documents

Edit metadata

Update document
Access to the EPR portal
There are various ways in which a health professional or assistant can access a patient’s EPR.

Pass on your own access right to a health professional

Access as an assistant

Emergency access
Please note: What is an assistant?
Health professionals can appoint an assistant to process data and documents in the EPR on their behalf. An assistant always acts in the name and on behalf of a specific health professional. For example, this could be practice assistants who, on behalf of a doctor, call up or store documents in the EPR.
Vaccinations in the EPR
The digital vaccination card, known as the vaccination module, is available in the EPR.
The new vaccination module in the EPR makes saving, displaying and editing vaccination data child's play. In addition, the vaccination module provides a clear overview of the vaccinations administered, infectious diseases experienced and side effects recorded. Healthcare professionals can view and enter the vaccination data of patients with the appropriate authorization.
Download the instructions for using the vaccination module here: Instructions for the vaccination module
The new vaccination module in the EPR makes saving, displaying and editing vaccination data child's play. In addition, the vaccination module provides a clear overview of the vaccinations administered, infectious diseases experienced and side effects recorded. Healthcare professionals can view and enter the vaccination data of patients with the appropriate authorization.
Download the instructions for using the vaccination module here: Instructions for the vaccination module