On January 16th and 17th, 2025, the Sanela EPR Postbus will make a stop at Universitätsklinik Balgrist, from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Come by, ask questions about the EPR and set up your EPR on site. Please bring the following with you to set up your EPR
- Smartphone with e-mail access
- Passport or identity card (exception: German identity card)
You can also open your EPR from home at any time.
The external EPR communication starter package provides comprehensive information on how to inform patients, their relatives and visitors about the electronic patient record (EPR). It helps you to successfully establish and implement your own external communication strategy for the EPR.
With your individual EPR communication, you too actively contribute to the dissemination of the EPR. Download the starter package now and get started straight away.
Below you can find additional EPR communication material to download and order:
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