Below you will find more information about linking VacMe in the canton Bern to the electronic patient record (EPR).


How do I connect my VacMe account to the EPR?

  1. Log in to your VacMe account:
  2. Click on the EPR banner.
  3. Follow the instructions for linking VacMe to the EPR.


What can I do if I have forgotten the username or password for my VacMe account?

Watch this video about what to do if you have forgotten your username or password:  Watch the video


What should I do if the system doesn't accept my OASI number?

Please contact the VacMe support if your OASI number is not recognised:

[email protected]


Why are my vaccinations not transferred to the EPR?

Once you have registered, it may take up to two hours for your vaccinations to be transferred from VacMe to the EPR. Please ensure that your vaccination preferences are set correctly in your VacMe account. If the vaccinations still do not appear in the EPR after this time, please contact VacMe support:

[email protected]


Why are my VacMe transfer preferences not being applied?

Make sure the VacMe settings have the correct vaccination preferences. You can easily adjust them if needed. If you want to delete vaccinations that have already been transferred from the EPR, log into your EPR at and delete the respective files there.


How can I disconnect the VacMe from the EPR?

In the VacMe settings, simply deactivate the EPR connection by unchecking "VacMe – EPR connection."


Where can I find information about using the EPR?

Our website has various video tutorials under the "Using your EPR" heading that clearly explain how to use and manage your EPR.

If you have any questions about using the EPR, please see the "Using the EPR" page in our FAQ: